Zoom Meeting Set Up - Large Conference Room

There are two main pieces of equipment used to set up Zoom meetings in the large conference room – a main computer and an iPad. Follow the below for both pieces of equipment to set up any meetings requiring Zoom in the large conference room.


Main Computer

  1. Log in
    • Username: Boardroom
    • Password: Atlanta$$$$ (*as of 3/8/22, if that does not work, check with IT as it may have changed)
  2. Click the Start Zoom Rooms icon located in the top right corner of the screen. It should bring you to a screen that in the middle says, “Tap Controller to Start”.


  1. Unlock iPad
    • Passcode: 164016 (*as of 3/8/22, if that does not work, check with IT as it may have changed)
  2. Tap on the Zoom Rooms icon in the upper left corner. It should bring you to a screen with icons to start a meeting, join a meeting, etc.
  3. If the meeting you are wishing to start does not show up on the left side of the screen, you may tap on the “Join Meeting” icon to join manually. You will need to have your meeting ID and password handy. Simply follow the prompts through to the meeting.
  4. Once the meeting is loaded, you will be able to see “Boardroom” as a member on the Main Computer and large TV. From here, you can use the options on the iPad to control the meeting – start video, record, manage participants, etc.

If distributing the meeting link to people who did not attend the meeting, log into the Zoom account from your computer> Go to Recordings on the left-hand menu> Find the meeting you want to distribute, click on the title> Select the copy shareable link option and send to appropriate distribution groups using the preferred email template if applicable (Tuesday meetings, etc.)

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