How do I submit a new listing to marketing?

Login to the Service Portal -

Click on the Submit a Listing main icon button on the home screen

Fill out the form to the best of your ability. The options presented to you will change depending on your entries.

  • Example: Fields for tenant information will populate if you say the listings is STNL, but not Land entries. 

Once you complete one section, click on Next to move to the next page. 

You can also navigate between the pages by clicking on the numbers at the top at any time, or the Back button.  

Some field's are marked with a (*) indicating required fields. 

Once you have completed all the form fields, please upload any supplemental files you would like the marketing team to have such as photos, rent roll, videos, etc. 

If your photos exceed the input limit, here are instructions on how to upload them directly onto the company server. 

  1. If you have a digital folder with contents such as OneDrive or Dropbox, you can also provide that link for the marketing team to access contents
  2. Select if you will be providing any supplemental items, and if so, which ones 
  3. Confirm that you have distribution rights for all provided materials and hit Submit.

A ticket will be generated in Fresh Service and the marketing team will reach out with next steps.  

You'll be able to check your ticket status here.

How to Save and Finish a Listing Input Later

At any point, you can save your progress to complete the form later, by choosing Save on the bottom right. 

You will have 21 days to complete your entry. 

Enter your email address in the pop-up and choose Send

You will receive an email to your inbox from where you'll be able to resume your entry. 

When you're ready to resume, choose Resume Now from that email and complete the form.

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